Our Instructors
James Pounds, Shihan
James Pounds, 7th Dan, has been training in Japanese (Shito-Ryu) and Okinawan karate (Goju-Ryu) since 1973. He has had the opportunity to train under and learn from some amazing practitioners in his career - Fujiwara Seiichi Hanshi, Tasaki Tsuji Shihan, Vassie Naidoo Shihan, Chinen Teruo Shihan, Don Coslet Shihan, and Joe Alvarado Sensei. He has trained in Goju-Ryu since 1991 and has been a member of Seiwakai International and the Japan Karate Federation Gojukai since 2004, training in Japan at least every other year. He is the Past-President of USA Seiwakai Organization and is the Head Instructor of Seiwakai of Texas and Seiwakai of New Mexico..
Mr. Pounds is also a yoga practitioner and instructor, and a former kobudo student of Akamine Hiroshi Hanshi (Okinawa Shimbukan).
He also has senior students in Austin and Dallas.
In his other than karate life, Mr. Pounds is a father, a building contractor, a Building Designer, and a writer.
Theresa Herrera-Pounds, Shihan
Terri Herrera-Pounds has been training in karate since 1989, starting at The Hills Shito-Ryu Dojo in Austin Texas under her Sensei (and future husband) James Pounds. She received her Shodan in Shito-Ryu and her Nidan and Sandan in Goju-Ryu from Chinen Teruo Sensei of Jundokan International. Her Yondan came under Tasaki Shuji Hanshi of Seiwakai International and her Godan in 2021 under Fujiwara Seiichi Hanshi. Terri Sensei is on the Seiwakai Women’s Advisory Board (SIWAB), is a Board Member of USA Seiwakai, and Chair of the USA Seiwakai Women’s Committee.
In her non-karate life, she is a yoga instructor and practitioner, mother of 11-year old Jacob, and a project manager.
Fujiwara Seiichi - Hanshi
Fujiwara Seiichi, Hanshi 8th Dan, President and Head Instructor of Goju-Ryu Seiwakai International, resides in Daisen, Akita Prefecture Japan. He is the Athletic Director of Sports of Akita Prefecture and Chair of the JKF Gojukai Overseas Committee. He is a former Japan Gojukai kata and kumite champion.
Vassie Naidoo - Shihan
Vassie Naidoo, Shihan 8th Dan, is Vice-President of Seiwakai International and Head Instructor of USA Seiwakai. Mr. Naidoo, originally from Durban South Africa, where he was a student of Leo Lipinski Shihan, moved to Los Angeles in 1981 and started Seiwakai of LA, originally training in city parks. He is also the Chairman of KICK - Karate for Inner City Kids - a non-profit corporation that works with disadvantaged youth. His current dojo is in Westwood, Los Angeles CA adjacent to the UCLA campus. Visit: www.KarateofLA.com
Austin TX Instructors:
Samantha Parsons, Sensei
Arthur Molina, Sensei
Judie T. Le, Sensei
Dallas TX Instructors:
Arthur Turner II, Sensei