James Pounds, 7th Dan, has been training in Japanese (Shito-Ryu) and Okinawan karate (Goju-Ryu) since 1973. He has had the opportunity to train under and learn from some amazing practitioners in his career - Fujiwara Seiichi Hanshi, Tasaki Tsuji Shihan, Vassie Naidoo Shihan, Chinen Teruo Shihan, Don Coslet Shihan, and Joe Alvarado Sensei. He has trained in Goju-Ryu since 1991 and has been a member of Seiwakai International and the Japan Karate Federation Gojukai since 2004, training in Japan at least every other year. He is the Past-President of USA Seiwakai Organization and is the Head Instructor of Seiwakai of Texas and Seiwakai of New Mexico..
Mr. Pounds is also a yoga practitioner and instructor, and a former kobudo student of Akamine Hiroshi Hanshi (Okinawa Shimbukan).
He also has senior students in Austin and Dallas.
In his other than karate life, Mr. Pounds is a father, a building contractor, a Building Designer, and a writer.