About Seiwakai of New Mexico Goju-Ryu Karate
You want to learn karate.
Maybe for self-defense. Perhaps to learn an ancient art.
Or you simply want a challenge…
Maybe you’re a parent looking for a beneficial activity for your son or daughter that is proven to bolster self-esteem, physical fitness, mental focus, and deter bullying.
Or you’re an adult or teen who is bored with gym routine, needs a physical and mental outlet, or wants to feel safer in a crazy world?
The karate path is the right choice for staying physically and mentally fit in today’s rough and fast paced world.
You’ve come to the right place!
GOJU RYU: The Way of Hard (Go) and Soft (Ju)
The intention of Seiwakai of New Mexico is to pass on the Goju-Ryu karate of both Shuji Tasaki and Chojun Miyagi without altering or changing it simply to fit the precept of modern sport. The goal of both men's style of Goju-Ryu was to not only teach effective self-defense, but to also improve the character of the practitioner through development of personal discipline, steadfast character, strong work habits, and a sense of community.
Member: Japan Karate Federation (JKF) Goju-Kai
Dojo Kun - Precepts of the Dojo
“Hitotsu” (literally means "first")
Be humble and polite
Train Considering your physical strength
Practice earnestly with creativity
Be calm and swift
Take care of your health
Live a plain life
Do not be too proud or modest
Continue your training with patience
Fukyu Kata Dai Ichi, Dai Ni, Dai San
Gekisai Dai Ichi, Dai Ni
Suparinpei (Pichurin)